Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Hearts

This is Owen. He is the latest addition to the four-legged creatures of the Krause House Memphis. This delightful red-eared slider joined our family from Grand Lake when he was the size of a quarter. He now keeps me company in my office with his active personality and desire to bask under the heat lamp during the afternoons.

This is Daisy, the miniture goat, and Sassy, the donkey. They reside at the Senior Krause House and are delightfully opposite creatures. Daisy thinks she is a dog and follows you around talking at your feet. If you are sitting on the bench in the barn, she will jump up and sit next to you. If you ride the Ranger, she wants to sit in seat next to you.She a little over 2 feet tall, maybe, but she won't grow any bigger and loves to be petted or scratched behind her ears. She is adorable.

Daisy is anti-social, though she is becoming more friendly. She prefers to talk and run with the dogs next door up and down the fence row. It's quite unique. Sassy is working on accepting others and when you can get close enough to her, she realizes maybe you aren't that bad and wait, those ear scratches are oh so nice.

Lastly, an Oklahoma sunset.

It makes my heart happy.


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