Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What you got for me cooking in the kitchen

Last week was a busy week. My bro-seph was here for his Spring Break. He is nearly a foot taller and 14 years younger than me. Ridiculously tall, skinny, lanky, great kid, always make me laugh, except when he doesn't put the seat down.  I don't put up with that.  I'll post pics and stories of our attempts at adventures sometime. Hopefully.

This past weekend it was 70 and I was outside getting some much needed therapy in the dirt. Then yesterday it rained. I recovered our kitchen dinning room chairs and re-framed a picture for the formal dinning room.

Today the kitchen deserved my attention.  I'm pretty sure I used every measuring spoon and washed this one mixing bowl at least 4 times. Looking back it seems I was pretty determined to use only this one bowl for mixing everything. The rest of the bowls kept each other company in the cabinets.

I made brownies. Adding extra chocolate chips and powdered sugar on top. Heavenly.

I made Cinnamon Doughnut Muffins.

And Lace Cookies.

My house smelt delightful when the Captain came home. Then we worked out and now it smells like sweat.


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